Sex and Sexuality
Sex raises fascinating issues. The philosophy of sexuality is procreation, contraception, celibacy, marriage, adultery, casual sex, flirting, prostitution, homosexuality, masturbation, seduction, rape, sexual harassment, sadomasochism, pornography, bestiality, and pedophilia. What do all these things have in common? All are related in various ways to the vast domain of human sexuality. That is, they are related, on the one hand, to the human desires and activities that involve the search for and attainment of sexual pleasure or satisfaction and, on the other hand, to the human desires and activities that involve the creation of new human beings. For it is a natural feature of human beings that certain sorts of behaviors and certain bodily organs are and can be employed either for pleasure or for reproduction or for both. Its pleasures are powerful and have ruined many lives yet that same pleasure has brought me and you into the world. Men and women seem to exhibit, desire, and experience sex differently. It is crucial to understand sexual desire, pleasure, activity, and preferences, and to explore the moral aspects of sex, in order to protect ourselves and each other.
How have you included Sex and Sexuality into your art? How much do I know about sex? How do I feel about intimacy, love, and relationships? Do I expect the same standards of behavior of myself as of my partner? How do I feel about an unplanned pregnancy, abortion, etc? How do I expect to feel about myself if I do it and if I don't? Is sex bad or good? Should you tell the doctor if you're having sex? What can I say to a friend who's having unprotected sex? Do you have any gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender friends? What’s it like for you when they talk about their relationships or their feelings? What do you think about gay marriage being allowed now? What questions do you have?